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Norwegian Bacalao made with passion

Our over 80 years of experience with salting and drying fish, makes us confident in the quality of our products. Todays drying plants and production have been developed to safeguard the sustainability of a modern clipfish production.

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Cod dinner

Drysalted Fish

Incorporating the newest technology in our drying tunnels, we produce more sustainable clipfish from cod, saithe and ling, as well as other species.

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Cod dinner

Wetsalted Fish

Through generations we have produced wetsalted fish, both for special occasions and as everyday meal for thousands of families all over continents.

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Dried fish bladder

Other Products

We strive for responsible consumption and production of food, and take full advantage of our raw material, ask us for salted backbones and dried swim bladders.

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Our Products


Our Philosophy

Norwegian Bacalao made with passion isn’t only about us taking pride in our products through generations, it is also a commitment to aligning strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.

Proud Participant of the United Nations Global Compact.

UN Global compact

Link to supplier declaration

Our Standards

Fishing boat

Sustainable seafood

The Marine Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization, that recognize and reward efforts to protect oceans and safeguard seafood supplies for the future. Every company that takes ownership of MSC certified seafood and sells it as certified, is independently audited and certified against the MSC Chain of Custody Standard. The Standard ensures an unbroken chain where certified seafood is identifiable, segregated and can be traced back to another certified business, and show their fish and seafood is from a sustainable source. Find their latest annual report here.We've been certified since 2021.


Environmental management

Getting certified by ISO 14001:2015 helps us achieve the intended outcomes of our environmental management system and to enhance our environmental performance. This provides value for the environment, our organization itself and all our interested parties.

Fish dinner

This standard contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability Development Goals

Our sertificate ISO 14001
Our Environmental Policy

Fish dinner

Food safety

Our food safety management system (FSMS) is based on FSSC 22000, developed through the international and independent standards ISO 22000ISO 9001 and technical specifications for sector-specific Pre-Requisite Programs (PRPs), such as ISO/TS 22002-1. This provides us a framework for effectively managing our organization’s food safety responsibilities and provides a robust food safety management system.

Overview local area

About us

The history of Johan Giskeødegård AS goes back three generations, to 1938 when Store P, grandfather of the current owner, started salting and drying fish on the pebbles around Valderøya.

Clipfish production has long strong traditions in this area, and the location could not have been better, with the city of Ålesund as its closest neighbor. This is one of the world's largest export ports for clipfish, a beautiful Art Nouveau town, with its busy fishing port right in the city center and with sales of fresh fish and shrimp on the quayside.

Around 1970, the company moved from the islet out at sea to Gjøsund on Valderøya, where production takes place today. Here it has also been upgraded and expanded in several construction stages, and most recently in 2015 with new modern dryers, packaging lines and expanded cooling capacity.

Mountains and nature

Back in the day, as a typical family business from Sunnmøre, several family members were involved in the daily production and operation, also the younger ones had to take their tacks, after school hours and on weekends. That’s how it was – everyone had to contribute. Making the company grow and develop wasn’t easy as pie, but with both adversity and hardship, which is how it was and still is, we produce "Bacalao made with passion!"

Through years of experience and with the help of many skilled employees, we have developed a unique expertise, and today we can deliver quality products that we are proud of. 

The once small company that started in the pebbles around the island, to the traditional clip fish warehouse operated by the whole family, has now developed into a modern production company, exporting to Europe, South America, Caribbean and Africa, and employing approximately 25 employees all year round. 

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Contact us

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email. You can send your enquiry to:

Johan Giskeødegård
Silje Brungot

Phone: +47 70 18 90 00

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